Corpus Naturals

Corpus Naturals

Corpus Naturals are on a mission to redefine your daily skincare routine with a deep commitment to both your well-being and our sacred planet. Corpus Naturals is built on an eco-conscious ethos, harmonising the principles of nature, innovation, and sustainability to create a new standard in personal care.

Corpus Naturals understand that what you put on your skin is as important as what you put in your body. They've crafted a range of deodorants that are thoughtfully formulated with both your health and the environment in mind. This eco-conscious ethos is not just a buzzword; it's the Corpus Naturals way of life. They believe in responsible sourcing, cruelty-free testing, and a commitment to minimising the carbon footprint of your persoanl care regime. Corpus Naturals pledge to take only what nature can afford to give, leaving the smallest possible impact on the planet.

Embrace a lifestyle that celebrates the beauty of natural ingredients and sustainable choices. With Corpus Naturals deodorants and Body Washes, you can feel confident in your daily routine, knowing that you are making a positive impact on your body and the environment.



12 products
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Corpus Naturals Cedar Flora Deodorant Stick
Sale price€28,95 EUR
€0,39 /g
Corpus Naturals Neroli Deodorant Stick
Sale price€28,95 EUR
€0,39 /g
Corpus Naturals No. Green Deodorant Stick
Sale price€28,95 EUR
€0,39 /g
Corpus Naturals Santalum Deodorant Stick
Sale price€28,95 EUR
€0,39 /g
Corpus Naturals Third Rose Deodorant Stick
Sale price€28,95 EUR
€0,39 /g
Corpus Naturals California Deodorant Stick
Sale price€28,95 EUR
€0,39 /g
Corpus Naturals No. Green Natural Body Wash
Sale price€30,95 EUR
€0,12 /ml
Corpus Naturals No. Green Natural Cleansing Bar
Sale price€21,95 EUR
€0,13 /g
Corpus Naturals Katrafay Body Scrub
Sale price€56,95 EUR
€0,36 /ml
Corpus Naturals No. Green Body Butter
Sale price€61,95 EUR
€0,39 /ml
Corpus Naturals Third Rose Natural Body Wash
Sale price€30,95 EUR
€0,12 /ml
Corpus Naturals Santalum Natural Body Wash
Sale price€30,95 EUR
€0,12 /ml

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